Monday, October 10, 2016

pH correction is a key strategy to manage fertility in soils with non-optimal pH

The acid or very acid condition of many tropical soils does not suit most commercial crops. Liming is therefore a prerequisite for most agricultural farm units. The relationship between acidity and base exchange characteristics in soils has to be fully understood.
Many crops require a pH of over 4.5 for optimum growth. A few, such as tea and pineapple, like the low pH of soils. The amount of lime required depends on the natural acidity of the soil and the specific requirement of the crop. It is impossible to indicate here specific lime requirements for the great variety of crops which can be grown on soils. 
Following article says much about the subject and try to understand the principle behind soil pH and soil chemistry.
Soil pH :What is soil chemistry and what does that mean to me?